Setup your development environment

To get started with Canvacord, you need to have a few things set up on your local machine.

  • Node.js: Canvacord is built on Node.js, so you need to have it installed on your machine.
  • NPM: NPM is the package manager for Node.js. You will need it to install Canvacord and its dependencies.
  • Optionally TypeScript: To get the best out of Canvacord, we recommend you use TypeScript, but it’s not required.


Use it in your project

You can use Canvacord with or without JSX. JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that looks similar to HTML. It allows you to write HTML-like code in your JavaScript files. If you’re familiar with React, you’ll feel right at home with JSX.

Using Canvacord with JSX

Result of the above code

Further reading

To learn more about Canvacord, check out the following resources: